Katja is a Somatic Sex & Health Coach. She comes with a professional education in Dance- and Movement Therapies, Social Work, Sexological Bodywork, Tantric & Holistic Massage and several additional Trainings in Yoga & Mindfulness Approaches.Before Katja became a Bodyworker she worked for more than 15 years as a Social Worker, mostly full-time in the common work system as an employee. At some point she felt frustrated in life and was missing the juice.That made her start her own journey of self-discovery.
She took part in a lot of therapeutic and psychosomatic groups and sessions which changed her whole perspective about her alignments in life about her body and health. Her journey into Tantra, Rituals, Shamanism, Massage and Conscious Sexuality started from there and became until today the focus of her work.Katja also lived for some years around and in Community Projects which made her also gain lots of knowledge around groups, its dynamics, processes and potentials. She gathered experiences with Authentic Communication, Polyamorous Love & Relating, Conflict Processing, Shamanism & Rituals which affects Katja’s work style enormously.
She offers workshops, classes and sessions for individuals, couples and groups. She lives in Berlin and Cologne.
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