Cycle(s) Connection(s)
“Knowledge is power. Self-knowledge is empowerment”.
We will open the space to connect with our bodys through what we can know and what we can feel, as they work better together. The purpose of this workshop is to create more trust and confidence in ourselves, get a more calmed state of mind by being able to have autonomy in our health and fertility to live a more pleasurable sexuality.
First we will learn about the biological physical process of menstruating bodys through the 4 phases of our cycles and the 4 signs to recognize when exactly are we fertile, inspired by the symptothermal method. Here we want to dive deep into how hormones regulate our emotional processes, and how to use the 4 energies in different aspects of our life. This includes a self examination demo (and optional participation) of the cervix with a speculum, that you can take home to explore yourself and know what’s happening in real time. Then we will finish with embodied experiences – such as nourishing meditations of taoist breast massages to stimulate hormones and cultivate self love, self compassion and self kindness within, combined with BSE (Breast Self Exam).
This workshop is made for bodys with menstruating cycles, but every-body is welcome to learn about the topic as it is important to have awareness in how to better take care of each other, and I truly believe that fertility is a shared responsibility. In order to create a safe place, women can bring one person without a uterus that they know and trust.
Every participant though needs to have joined the mandatory consent workshop before hand (Express Consent or Yes I Care workshop)
(Visual by https://designsbyduvetdays.com/)